Walter N Marks Center for the Arts Presents : Out of the Fire

Out of the Fire

A College of the Desert collaborative exhibition with Bill Schinsky Artist, Veteran, Founder and Director of Coachella Valley Art Center in Indio, Carrie Tate-Meyer, Director of COD TRIO Vet-SSS and Steven Macks Dilley artist and Executive Director of Veterans Art Project.

Michael Aschenbrenner, Vietnam Vet Paratrooper of the 101st Airborne Division, Reginald Green, U.S. Navy Veteran and Omar Columbus Operation Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom Air Force Veteran


August 22nd – September 15th

Artist Reception and Poetry Reading:

September 7th, 4 - 6pm

Coachella Valley Art Center Logo
“Artists who are Combat Veterans share a particular challenge- how to interpret their memories of War in a creative manner. Each one of us who has lived in an active combat situation must find healthy ways to remember. Those of us who remember through our art, imbue our work with personal memories, and eventually images, defined or abstract.”
– Bill Schinsky

VetArt.Org Logo

Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission Logo

“The Veterans Art Project (VETART) is a community-based arts organization serving Veterans, Active Duty, Spouses, dependents, their caregivers, and the community through process-driven, Deep Arts Engagement, D.A.E.(c) and Art Therapy. Providing a process-intensive arts encounter proven to help Veterans and Active Duty (some with post-traumatic stress, TBI, and MST) find their voice and work through the life-changing process of transitioning from military to civilian life.”
– VetArt.Org

Contact Andrea Calderon for more information.