
Under the auspice and affiliation of the African-American Male Education Network Development (A²MEND), the Student Charter of A²MEND is a student support structure that seeks to establish an affirming environment where African American male students and other men of color are able to thrive. The aim of the A²MEND student charter is to improve academic success and to develop culturally competent servant student leaders. The student charters of A²MEND provide educational, cultural, social, and intellectual programs that promote positivity and brotherhood among its members.

A2mend Meetings

Meeting days/times/location

Days/Times: Every 3rd Tuesday of every month
A2mend meetings are held every 3rd Tuesday of the month. The meetings take place from 11:30 am to 1 pm. This is a male focused meeting but all are welcome and encouraged to attend.


Meetings are held in the Black Student Success Center, South Annex room 9.

​A2mend Scholarship Winners:
Alusondro Hamilton 2018
Kobe Rushing 2019
David Keesee 2020
David Keesee 2021
Emmanuel Doublin 2022
Koye Shoroye 2023
Timmy Tyson 2024



A2MEND Brothers

A2MEND Brothers 2