There are 4 goals comprised of 13 accessibility objectives:
Goal #1 - All College of the Desert technology and required instructional materials are accessible to students
Objective 1.1: College of the Desert (COD) faculty and staff receive dedicated training and ongoing support for choosing and creating accessible instructional materials
Objective 1.2: College of the Desert (COD) faculty and Disabled Students Program and Services (DSPS) engage in ongoing conversation to understand overlap between accessibility and accommodation
Objective 1.3: College of the Desert (COD) ingrains universal design principles into curriculum development
Objective 1.4: College of the Desert (COD) Disabled Students Program and Services (DSPS) institutes alternate media recommendations and provides accurate information to students about the time required to create instructional materials
Goal #2 - All College of the Desert technology is accessible to students, faculty, staff, and the community
Objective 2.1: College of the Desert (COD) adopts purchasing processes to ensure all information and communication technology (ICT) is evaluated for accessibility
Objective 2.2: College of the Desert (COD) faculty and staff receive dedicated training and ongoing support for choosing, creating, and using accessible technology
Goal #3 - Accessibility is part of College of the Desert board policy and regulations
Objective 3.1: College of the Desert (COD) adopts up-to-date accessibility policy
Objective 3.2: College of the Desert (COD) job descriptions include accessibility attributes and skills
Objective 3.3: Accessibility is infused into College of the Desert (COD) campus-wide committees and work groups
Objective 3.4: College of the Desert (COD) develops an Accessibility Communications Plan detailing how accessibility information will be shared
Goal #4 - Accessibility is part of College of the Desert systems and procedures
Objective 4.1: College of the Desert (COD) designates someone at the Executive Cabinet level to be ultimately responsible for accessibility at the campus level and to liaise with the California Community Colleges (CCCCO) Chancellor’s Office
Objective 4.2: College of the Desert (COD) ensures accessibility voices are represented on standing committees (i.e., facilities, procurement, safety, instruction, etc.)
Objective 4.3: College of the Desert (COD) develops a documented process for faculty, staff, students, and community members to report accessibility barriers
The current status of the accessibility objectives is:
2 currently at Not Started to Learning, 15%
6 currently at Learning to Responding, 46%
3 currently at Responding to Establishing, 23%
2 currently at Establishing to Optimizing, 15%