Automotive Techology

Automotive Technology

The study of automotive systems as they relate to the current generation of computer-controlled vehicles. Career paths in this discipline include automotive service technician, automotive service consultants, automotive parts sales people, vehicles modifiers in the alternate fuels and fuel cells.

Even students who choose not to major in automotive technology find that course work in the field can improve their ability to solve complex problems, improve diagnostic skills and research complex problems.

College of the Desert’s automotive curriculum includes course offerings that provide a general overview of the discipline as well as specific courses in steering, suspension, braking systems, both automatic and manual transmission, air conditioning, electrical systems, engine management and emission control systems. The College offers an Associates of Science degree in Automotive Technology and certificates of achievement for student who specialize in the aforementioned areas. Students earning the certificates of achievement in the various specialty areas may choose to continue towards an associate's degree or go directly to entry-level jobs in that aspect of the automotive service industry. Past recipients of COD automotive certificates have obtained positions as service technicians, service advisors, heavy-duty technicians, alternate fuels technicians and alternate fuel system up fitters.

NATEF Certification

The Automotive curriculum is aligned with the standards of The National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF). The Automotive and Advanced Transportation programs are NATEF certified.

Students are recommended to consult with the program advisor for requirements for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification.


Douglas Redman

Dorothy Anderson

Associate of Science Degree

Certificate of Achievement
